Follow my ditzy mummy moments caused by a shrunken brain, not enough sleep and too much juggling.


Saturday 22 January 2011

Resilence masterclass

At work this week I'd went to a resilence masterclass to help with bouncing back at work as there's lots of uncertainity in the NHS at the moment. This is basically a way of giving people training to help when they are made redundant as there are 80% redundancies in PCTs at the moment (oh so cynical - but its a cheaper way of saying they've helped). 
Suprisingly the Deputy Chief Exec and Chief Exec were also there as well (and I had to sit with them) as they said they needed help with how to become become resilent. First, bit of theory which I started getting bored with and kept thinking about all the work I had to do. Then, there was a movement coach who got us to close our eyes and improve our posture when faced with a 'shock' situation. After extending my arms and hitting the bloke next to me, I realised it was just like a yoga class which I could do in my own time. Next we had to look at characteristics of resilent people. At this point I realised I am resilence so why was I at training to help me become something I already was. So I left at the break...

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