Follow my ditzy mummy moments caused by a shrunken brain, not enough sleep and too much juggling.


Wednesday 24 November 2010

Issues with my cape

I made an impulse buy recently and bought a lovely black wool cape to wear to a wedding. However, there have been issues with it. At the wedding, I wore it with a light grey dress, black tights and a thick black belt - as I only had one outfit for a wedding that was 200 miles from home it was a bit late when I realised I looked like an old fashioned nurse. All I needed was the paper hat that nurses wore 40 years ago.

Today, I decided to wear it work. But, I couldn't carry my bag on my shoulder, as the cape bunched up to much so I had to do that holding in the crook of my arm which looks good but is uncomfortable. Then when I was on the packed tube, reached up to grab the rail and as I'm so short the cape hit the person sitting on the seat below right in the face. On the way home, the wind kept blowing the cape up into the air making me look like a witch.... Maybe not so stylish.

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