Follow my ditzy mummy moments caused by a shrunken brain, not enough sleep and too much juggling.


Monday 21 March 2011

Red Nose Day

I’m writing this as I sit in the glorious sunshine in my garden, son 2 is putting water down his slide into his mud pie, water is going everywhere but I don’t care as spring is here. Being a working mum I often miss what is happening at the school and they’re not the best as reminding parents about events etc. So on Friday for red nose day I thought they had to dress up in red (I’m sure they’d put it somewhere on a notice that it was red dress up) but as we got towards the school I realised it was dressing up in silly clothes. Shit, got it wrong again. Son 1 is quite laid back about me getting things muddled and son 2 is still too young to realise. So my ingenious son 1 when I picked him up from school rather than telling me I had got it wrong, had just turned his clothes inside out and back to front to be ‘silly’. I had also forgotten the day before that son 2 had to dress up for nursery in green to celebrate St Patricks Day, again he didn’t get upset as I think he’s used to me forgetting things. My new week’s resolution yet again is to be more organised. On the note of comic relief, all those images of sick children had me texting their fundraising number over and over again. Anyone else do the same?????

Also went out on Saturday night with my sex and the city girlfriends (ie in their late 30s with no kids and fabulous lives / careers). I can’t seem to drink anymore (2 glasses of wine and get a hangover) and as my husband pointed out I’m nearer 40 than 30 so getting on a bit! To summarise the night, embarrassingly fell over some cobbles at 3am, scolding burns from hot water bottle discovered the next morning, took night nurse so I didn’t wake at 6am like normal but managed not to lose my clutch bag.

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